Thursday, April 10, 2008


De acordo com a mais recente Newsletter da FIG (nº 37), os próximos CAMPEONATOS DO MUNDO DE GINÁSTICA ACROBÁTICA serão em Glasgow (Escócia) entre os dias 29 de Setembro e 12 de Outubro, juntamente com a Competição de Age Group (Mundiais de 11-16 e Juniores):

"World Championships and Age-Group Competition 2008

The FIG EC has demonstrated complete support for Acrobatics by making a special exception to
the calendar, to allow the World Championships to take place in the autumn. During the Executive
Committee meeting held March 8-12, permission was given for British-gymnastics in collaboration
with Glasgow City Council (Scotland) to organise the event, along with the World Age Group
Competition, subject to contract, from September 29 – October 12."

No que respeita aos World Games 2009, a Ginástica Acrobática estará presente, pela primeira vez no Test Event desses Jogos, que se disputam em Kaishoang - Taiwan (20 a 22 de Julho serão os dias destinados às provas de Ginástica Acrobática, Duplo-Minitrampolim, Trampolim Sincronizado e Tumbling):

"Test Event
For the first time in our history, Acrobatics has been included in the test event for World Games.
World Games President Ron Froehlich has confirmed that the Organising Committee in Kaohsiung
will organise a test event for Acrobatic Gymnastics on November 1 and 2, 2008. It is anticipated
that the athletes qualified for the World Games, based on World Championships, would wish to
take part in this important event."

Download da Newsletter nº 37 da FIG em

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